About the Program
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The mission of the Mechatronics Engineering Technology program is to provide career educational opportunities to students who have a hands-on aptitude and are oriented towards applications. The program is a Synergistic integration of Mechanical systems, Electrical and Electronic systems, Controls, Hydraulics, High Speed Automation, Robotics, Networking, and Computer Systems utilized in modern industry, including Industry 4.0. The program has a strong affiliation with the packaging machinery manufacturing industry. Industrial collaboration and internship reinforces course work and provides real world experience, an invaluable credential sought by industry. Students will complete a Senior Design Project, which is a one-year capstone individual/team project that provides the opportunity to pursue an idea from conception to design, then execute into a demonstrable project.
By participating nationally competed student clubs, student are able to strengthen project management skills and team work.
First year students may participate in a unique program for technical skill development called Discipline Specific Skill Acquisition (DSSA). DSSA will develop an unskilled student into a trained person, with marketable multi-disciplinary skills, in just one year! In addition, you can receive college credits after successful completion of the program and skill badges. The Mechatronics Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc. http://www.abet.org. This ensures that the program is independently reviewed and meets the quality expectation for that profession.
Minimum Grade and Grade Point Average (GPA): 2.0 GPA
Experiential Learning (EL): One EL course required. EL courses are noted by (e) next to the course title.
General Education Core: General Education notations can be found within the course description. Please click on a course to see if it meets a Gen Ed requirement.
Milestone Courses noted by (m) next to the course title have been identified as being critical to your success in this field of study.
Courses that are only offered on one campus will be noted by an (H) for Hammond, or (W) for Westville.
Please see the Additional Information and Guidelines section below for more information.
Additional Information and Guidelines
Note 1: General Education requires 30 core credits. The Mechatronics ET curriculum has 30.
Note 2: Humanities or Social Science - Approved AD Art and Design; COM Communication; ENGL English; FR French; GR German; HIST History; JPNS Japanese; MUS Music; OLS 16300 Fundamentals of Self Leadership; or PHIL Philosophy; SPAN Spanish; ANTH Anthropology; ECON Economics; ETHN Ethnic Studies; GEOG Geography; OLS Organizational Leadership and Supervision; POL Political Science; PSY Psychology; SOC Sociology; WOST Women’s Studies One approved Humanities and one approved Social Science course must be taken to satisfy the respective General Education Core requirements.
Note 3: Concentration Selective - Choose 2 of the following: MET 10101 Introduction To Parametric Modeling, MET10200 Production Design And Specifications; MET 30500 CAD with Applications; MET 31300 Fluid Mechanics; MET 31500 Mechanism Kinematics; MET 32500 Thermodynamics; MET 32900 Heat Transfer; MET 42100 HVAC; Design & Mfg (E X L); ECET 15401 Electronic Components And Circuits; ECET 15901 Digital Circuits And Applications; ECET 21000 Struct C++ for EM Syst; ECET 31201 Power Electronics Fundamentals; ECET 45600 Computer Hardware Design; IET 37801 Quality Systems And Improvement; or other course approved by advisor.
Note 4: ABET requires 40 credits of non-MET, MCET, IET, ECET CMET, CGT, ET, or ITS (non-technology) courses. The Mechatronics ET curriculum has 41347