About the Program
The Computer Information Technology Bachelor of Science Program is based on curriculum standards of the Association for Computing Machinery/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Computer Society (ACM/IEEE-CS) Information Technology Curriculum Guidelines, and meets the requirements of Purdue University Northwest’s instructional guidelines.
The curriculum core is made up of general education courses and specific Information Technology requirements of the Guidelines. The core courses span knowledge areas that include computational thinking/problem solving, application development, database design and implementation, project management, human computer interaction, information assurance and security, networking technologies, platform technologies, and operating systems.
Many of our graduates pursue careers as software developers, web developers, mobile app developers, database analysts and developers, computer/cyber security specialists, network and system administrators, information technology architects, and project managers once they have finished their degrees.
The Computer Information Technology Bachelor of Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), http://www.abet.org. This ensures that the program is independently reviewed and meets the quality expectation for that profession. The program has been designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE) jointly by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and National Security Agency. The designation symbolizes that the program curriculum meets the national standard of cyber defense education.
Minimum Grade and Grade Point Average (GPA): Minimum grade of C required for all courses; 2.0 GPA
Experiential Learning (EL): One EL course required. EL courses are noted by (e) next to the course title.
General Education Core: General Education notations can be found within the course description. Please click on a course to see if it meets a Gen Ed requirement.
Milestone Courses noted by (m) next to the course title have been identified as being critical to your success in this field of study.
Courses that are only offered on one campus will be noted by an (H) for Hammond, or (W) for Westville.
Please see the Additional Information and Guidelines section below for more information.
Additional Information and Guidelines
The program requirements are determined by the date a student officially becomes a Computer Information Technology major. A student who is not qualified to take at least ENGL 10400 and MA 14700 courses is considered deficient and cannot take any ITS courses until the deficiency is removed. A grade of a “C” or better is required in each ITS major course. ITS courses in which lower grades have been received must be retaken before progressing to the next course in the sequence. An incomplete is not considered a passing grade. Only two ITS courses may be repeated because of an unsatisfactory (D or F) grade. These courses may be repeated one time. No student shall choose the pass/not pass option for an ITS course. Advisor agreement is required for any other course. Students must meet the University requirements for freshman experience, general education, and experiential learning prior to graduation. It is expected that students taking 20000, 30000, and 40000 level courses have taken all of the previous level courses regardless of prerequisites.
Note 1: Selectives: Courses approved by CIT faculty. An approved minor may be substituted for selectives.