2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

TSAP - Ivy Tech - Online RN to BSN

Courses to be completed at Ivy Tech Community College    
Subject Code Name Credits
APHY 101 Anatomy and Physiology I 3
APHY 102 Anatomy and Physiology II 3
BIOL 201 or BIOL 211 or CHM 111 or APHY 201 Introductory Biology, Microbiology I, Chemsitry I, Advanced Human Physiology 4/3/4/4
BIOL 201 or BIOL 211 or CHEM 111 or APHY 201 Introductory Biology, Microbiology I, Chemistry I, Advanced Human Physiology 4/3/4/4
NRSG 106 Pharmacology for Nursing 3
ENG 111 English Composition 3
PSYC 2XX Introduction to Psychology 3
SOCI 1XX Level 200 PSYC 3
MATH 123 Level 100 PSYC 3
Lower division NUR from AND 30 Quantitative Reasoning 3
COM 101 or COM 102    
  Fundamentals of Public Speaking, Introduction to Interpersonal Communication  
Courses to be completed at Purdue University Northwest    
Subject Code Name Credits
BHS 20100 Statistics For Behavioral Sciences 3
ENGL 10500 English Composition II 3
Humanities Electives   6
Free Electives   9


Ivy Tech Community College - Associate of Nursing TSAP (60 Credits)

__ (3) APHY 101*

__ (3) APHY 102*

__ (3-4) BIOL 201 (4), BIOL 211 (3), CHM 111 (4), or APHY 201 (4)*

__ (3-4) BIOL 201 (4), BIOL 211 (3), CHM 111 (4), or APHY 201 (4)*

__ (3) NRSG 106*

__ (3) ENG 111

__ (3) PSYC 101

__ (3) PSYC 200 Level Elective

__ (3) SOCI 100 Level Elective

__ (3) MATH 123

__ (30) Lower division NUR from AND

__ (3) COM 101 or COM 102

Purdue University Northwest - Program Major Courses (45 credits)

*All Math/Science courses must add up to 17 credit hours

**Degree program completion requires 120 credit hours for a bachelor degree.