Sep 20, 2024
MCET 33000 - Industrial Programming And Networking Prerequisite(s): ECET 26200 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course covers monitoring, controlling, and networking smart sensors, controllers, and final control elements. Also covered are: virtual instrumentation and programming mechatronics systems using graphical software tools; data transfer between industrial platforms, field buses for control application, bus control protocol, serial real-time communication systems (SERCOS) interface system; controller and smart sensor network; wireless network for process control applications; networking of multiple controller and communication among them for motion control applications; motion control programming, programming languages and tools for industrial Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming; PLC open, standardization in industrial programming, and IEC 61131-3; mathematical modeling of industrial devices and systems virtual environment. (Not open to students with credit in ECET 33000.) Typically offered Spring.
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