2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CS 51560 - Software Engineering

Prerequisite(s): CS 41600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C

Credit Hours: 3.00. Software engineering is the discipline concerned with the application of theory, knowledge, and practice for effectively and efficiently building software systems that satisfy the requirements of users and customers. This course provides an introduction to all phases of the life cycle of a software system, including requirement analysis and specification, UML modeling and design, implementation, testing, and operation and maintenance. The principles of project management, cost and effort estimation, scheduling, documentation, and quality assurance are also covered. A group project will be assigned. Each student will play one of the following roles: Project Manager (PM), Requirement Engineer (RE), Software Architect (SA), Integration Engineer (IE), Testing Engineer (TE), and User/Product Director (UPD). Every student will play the role of a Code Developer (CD) as well. Every student should also participate in the activities of the professional associations. The commercial and research prototype tools of IBM Rational Suite will be used. Some latest research papers about Software Engineering will be discussed. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

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