Jan 23, 2025
ECE 43800 - Digital Signal Processing With Applications Prerequisite(s): ECE 30100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D- AND ECE 30200 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D- AND ECE 36201 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 4.00. The course is presented in five units. Foundations: the review of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and spectral analysis; design of finite impulse response and infinite impulse response digital filters; processing of random signals. Speech processing; vocal tract models and characteristics of the speech waveform; short-time spectral analysis and synthesis; linear predictive coding. Image processing: two-dimensional signals, systems and spectral analysis; image enhancement; image coding; and image reconstruction. The laboratory experiments are closely coordinated with each unit. Throughout the course, the integration of digital signal processing concepts in a design environment is emphasized. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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