Communication |
COM 42900 - Advertising Campaigns Prerequisite(s): COM 25600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Emphasizes the preparation of a complete advertising campaign for a business or non-profit organization. The student will be able to integrate marketing research and segmentation, media, and promotion plans, strategy, creative, and presentation in a unified campaign to serve a local or national organization. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 43400 - Practicum In Media Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Students engage in Independent Study projects and actual production of a television program under the direction of a professor or Purdue Calumet Television manager. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 43500 - Communication And Emerging Technologies Credit Hours: 3.00. Both historical and contemporary perspectives of the reciprocal influence of new and changing technologies and the processes and practices of communication. The impact of print, telegraph, telephone, radio, and television will be surveyed, along with cable systems, direct broadcast satellites, and videotext. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 43600 - Script Writing Prerequisite(s): ENGL 10500 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C OR ENGL 10200 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of forms and materials suitable for the electronic mass media; practice in selection, adaptation, and organization of program materials. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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COM 43700 - Performance Practicum Credit Hours: 3.00. Performance Practicum extends performance knowledge and skills acquired in COM 34300, Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation. Students will participate as scriptors, directors, and performers in a campus and community performances. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 43900 - Focus Group Research Credit Hours: 3.00. In Focus Group Research, students will learn when to use and how to conduct this specific method of qualitative inquiry. Through theory and practice, this course will provide the information necessary for students to conduct focus groups in organizational academic contexts. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 44100 - Advanced Television Production Prerequisite(s): COM 44500 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C (MAY BE TAKEN CONCURRENTLY)
Credit Hours: 3.00. An emphasis on remote television production techniques, which includes operating basic remote television equipment. Students will produce and direct various remote television programs, which should be suitable for airing. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 44200 - Problems In Television Directing And Producing Credit Hours: 3.00. A studio in which students address problems encountered in both dramatic and nondramatic formats as they write, produce, and direct programs during the semester. Emphasis on organizational skills, program analysis, and aesthetic judgment. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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COM 44300 - Advertising Media Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an introduction to advertising media planning in traditional and new media to creatively and effectively reach targeted prospects. Attention is given to media characteristics, media terminology, scheduling, testing, and buying efficiencies. Included is the use of syndicated media research and development of media plans. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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COM 44500 - Television Editing Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of the practical application of editing techniques. Students will edit various television programs, which should be suitable for airing. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 44600 - Advertising Management Credit Hours: 3.00. This course considers advertising from the perspective of managers and practitioners responsible for identifying and solving the advertising problems of a business. The course emphasizes the application of concepts, such as the planning of advertising strategy, the execution of target marketing, budgeting, creative development and media decisions, with the goal of developing integrated marketing communications campaigns. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 44800 - Applied Mass Media Research Credit Hours: 3.00. Through an examination of current research in mass media, Applied Mass Media Research will provide students with the necessary tools to conduct and critique research that pertains specifically to the mass media. Students will learn how to research a mass media related issue. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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COM 45100 - Feature Writing Credit Hours: 3.00. Examination of magazine staff organization, market analysis, and editorial content. Study of, and practice in, the writing of a variety of nonfiction materials for magazines. Emphasis is on the adaptation of topics and presentations to editorial policies and reader groups. Typically offered Fall Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 45200 - Practicum In Journalism Credit Hours: 3.00. Assigned projects in journalism. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 46000 - Advanced Public Relations Prerequisite(s): COM 25300 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND COM 25500 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Research design and implementation skills applied by students individually and in groups to actual business communication problems. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 46300 - Mass Media Criticism Credit Hours: 3.00. Utilizing the current media criticism theories and models, students will learn how to critique a variety of media genres. Students will examine the social and political messages inherent in media messages. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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COM 46500 - Visual Aesthetics In Television And Film Credit Hours: 3.00. This course examines the visual aesthetics of television and film. Topics covered are picture composition, lighting, acting, directing, continuity, cinematography, editing, story line, and costume. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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COM 47000 - Women In The Media Credit Hours: 3.00. Focusing on the contributions made by women in newspaper, television, film and performance, this course will explore how women are shaping societal and cultural values. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 47500 - Identity In Film Credit Hours: 3.00. Identity in Film explores the construction of race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, international, and liminal identity in films created by an individual of that particular identity. The course examines identity and communication processes through the sensibility of the film’s director or writer. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 49000 - Internship In Communication Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Experiential, supervised training in public relations, journalism, telecommunication, oral interpretation, speech education, organizational communication, or public communication. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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COM 49100 - Special Topics In Communication Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Intensive study of selected topics, varying from semester to semester, from the literature or practice of communication. Course content will be drawn from areas not dealt with in the regular curriculum and may include such topics as photojournalism, economic reporting, and campaign communication. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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COM 50800 - Nonverbal Communication In Human Interaction Credit Hours: 3.00. An examination of theoretical writings and critical studies in selected areas of nonverbal communication, e.g., the environmental influences, space and territory relationships, physical appearance and dress, physical behavior, and vocal cues. One unit will deal specifically with measurement, recording, or transcription methods used in nonverbal study. Typically offered Fall.
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COM 51200 - Theories Of Interpersonal Communication Prerequisite(s): COM 21400 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF B-
Credit Hours: 3.00. Review of contemporary theories, analysis of concepts, models, and pertinent research across the broad spectrum of interpersonal communication. Typically offered Summer Fall.
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COM 51500 - Persuasion In Social Movements Prerequisite(s): COM 31800 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF B-
Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of the concept of persuasion in social movement theory and the role rhetoric has played historically in selected social movements such as suffrage, women’s liberation, civil rights, evangelism, and trade unionism. Typically offered Summer Spring.
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COM 51700 - Communication In Politics Prerequisite(s): COM 31800 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF B-
Credit Hours: 3.00. Development and application of critical standards to the rhetoric employed by candidates for public office, study of the campaign strategies employed by parties and their candidates at various levels of government. Typically offered Summer Fall.
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COM 51800 - Theories Of Persuasion Credit Hours: 3.00. Review of contemporary theories, including analysis of concepts, models, and pertinent research across the broad spectrum of persuasive communication. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 52000 - Small Group Communication Prerequisite(s): COM 32000 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF B-
Credit Hours: 3.00. Survey and critical evaluation of theoretical and empirical literature dealing with human communication within small group settings. Typically offered Summer Fall.
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COM 52100 - Theories Of Rhetoric Credit Hours: 3.00. A comprehensive survey of the principal figures, theories, and movements in rhetoric from the classical era to the present. Typically offered Spring Fall.
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COM 52500 - Advanced Interviewing And Conference Methods Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of modern communication theory to interview situations, with emphasis upon problems involving superior-subordinate relations, information-getting and interpersonal misunderstanding. Classroom demonstrations based upon real-life cases, supplemented by off-campus interviews; practice in briefing techniques. Typically offered Spring.
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COM 53100 - Special Topics In Mass Communication Prerequisite(s): COM 25000 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF B-
Credit Hours: 3.00. Critical analysis and evaluation of current and continuing problems in both commercial and public mass communication. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 53400 - Comparative Telecommunication Systems Credit Hours: 3.00. Historical, sociological, and political aspects of various systems of telecommunication throughout the world. Examination of American, Canadian, British, French, German, Soviet, and other telecommunication institutions. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 53700 - Educational/Instructional Television Credit Hours: 3.00. Survey of the educational and instructional applications of television materials; analysis of selected problems in the educational uses of the medium; analysis and application of production practices as related to the learning process. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 54000 - Advanced Oral Interpretation Credit Hours: 3.00. Techniques of oral interpretation for public performances. Emphasis on analysis of materials, program building, and criticism. Utilization of oral reading techniques in the teaching of literature and speech at the secondary level. Typically offered Spring.
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COM 54500 - Theories Of Oral Interpretation Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of the theories of oral interpretation of literature that have emerged from the classical period of Greece and Rome to the present. Emphasis on the influence of leaders in the field during the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 55900 - Current Trends In Mass Communication Research Credit Hours: 3.00. An examination of current research as it contributes to understanding the process and effects of mass communication. Topics covered include gatekeepers and information control, audience selection processes and uses of the media, persuasive effects of the media, media content and social learning, the effects of adult programming on children, and the effects of the media on the governmental process. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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COM 56000 - Rhetorical Dimension Of Mass Media Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of the ways in which rhetorical elements and processes are embodied in and modified by the media of mass communication. The rhetorical functions of print and electronic media are examined individually as well as within the context of specific campaigns and movements. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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COM 57400 - Organizational Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Survey of the theoretical and empirical literature dealing with human communication behavior as it occurs within the context of complex organizations. Among topics covered are superior-subordinate communication, communication networks, message distortion, feedback processes, internal corporate mass media, managerial-communication climate, semantic and stylistic dimensions of messages, and communication in decision making. Typically offered Summer Fall.
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COM 58200 - Descriptive/Experimental Research In Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to the fundamental tools of quantitative research in communication, including data analysis, statistical design and methods, basic measurement concepts, and designs for descriptive and experimental research. Individual and/or group research projects are planned, conducted, and reported. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 58300 - Research And Assessment In Organizational Communication Prerequisite(s): COM 57400 FOR LEVEL GR WITH MIN. GRADE OF B- AND COM 58200 FOR LEVEL GR WITH MIN. GRADE OF B-
Credit Hours: 3.00. An overview of applied research methodologies in organizational communication. The course focuses on the design of field investigations and the use of self-report measures, network analysis, and interviewing in organizational communication research. These general methodologies are applied to specific research approaches. Typically offered Spring.
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COM 58400 - Historical/Critical Research In Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to modes of qualitative research in communication, including theoretical assumptions, bibliographical methods, varying approaches to historical and critical inquiry, and the standards and techniques of scholarly writing. Emphasis is placed on historical research during fall semesters and on critical research during spring semesters. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 59000 - Directed Study Of Special Problems Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Directed study of special problems. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 61200 - Seminar: Special Topics In Interpersonal Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Intensive study of selected topics, varying from semester to semester, from the theoretical and research literature of interpersonal communication. Topics may include communication models, information theory, systems theory, general semantics, sociolinguistics, etc., as they relate to the study of interpersonal communication. Prerequisite: COM 51200. Typically offered Summer Spring.
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COM 62100 - Seminar: Special Topics In Rhetorical Theory Credit Hours: 3.00. Intensive study of selected topics, varying from semester to semester, from the literature of rhetorical theory. Prerequisite: COM 52100. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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COM 63200 - Seminar: Special Topics In Mass Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Intensive study of selected topics, varying from semester to semester, from the literature of mass communication. Topics may include institutional analysis, mass communication law, information diffusion, uses of mass communication, or other issues. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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COM 67400 - Seminar: Special Topics In Organizational Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. Intensive study of selected topics, varying from semester to semester, from the theoretical and research literature of organizational (including business and industrial) communication; analysis of recurring communication problems in complex organizations; critique of research findings and methodologies. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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COM 69800 - Research MA Or MS Thesis Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research MA Or MS Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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Community College |
GNC 06400 - Introductory Algebra Credit Hours: 3.00. Does not count toward graduation. Introduction to algebra concepts and skills, including real-number and variable operations, linear equations, graphing, and systems of linear equations. Emphasis on applications as well as structure. Mastery learning approach. Pocket calculators used.. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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GNC 06500 - Fundamentals of Geometry Credit Hours: 3.00. Does not count toward graduation. Introduction to fundamental concepts of geometry, including angles, polygons, and circles, with emphasis on problem solving. Pocket calculators used. This course satisfies the one unit of geometry required for admission, but does not count toward graduation.. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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Computer Graphics Technology |
CGT 10100 - Introduction to Computer Graphics Technology Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces students to the Computer Graphics Technology program, and prepares them for the program curriculum. It serves both as the Freshman Experience course, and the fundamental introduction to Computer Graphics. In addition to academic career planning and utilization of institutional resources, students also investigate the definitions and applications for Computer Graphics, the history and knowledge base for Computer Graphics, and critically examine potential Computer Graphics career pathways. Typically offered Fall Spring. General Education: First Year Experience, Technology
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CGT 11000 - Technical Graphics Communications Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an introduction to the graphic language used to communicate design ideas using CAD. Topics include sketching, multiview drawings, auxiliary views, pictorial views, working drawings, dimensioning practices, and section views. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 11100 - Designing For Visualization And Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. An introductory design course for computer graphics majors. Students develop an understanding of the basic design elements and principles, composition, and typography through exercises and projects. The focus is on visual thinking, exploring the relationship between type and image, and developing multiple solutions to a given problem. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 11200 - Sketching For Visualization And Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. This course applies fundamental computer graphics concepts of visualization, communication, and creativity within a sketching metaphor. Exercises and projects in graphic theory, problem solving, and sketching skill development provide students with activities that focus on further development within the discipline. A variety of sketching techniques are used to gather critical information and transform data into effective communication instruments. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 11600 - Geometric Modeling For Visualization And Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. A core introductory computer graphics course that provides entry-level experiences in geometric modeling. Students develop geometric analysis and modeling construction techniques and processes to produce accurate computer models for graphic visualization and communication. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 11700 - Illustrating For Visualization And Communication Credit Hours: 3.00. This foundation course stresses the use of pictorial illustration for visualization and communication. Various projection systems are introduced with discussion focusing on the appropriate use of view and system utilized to accentuate and provide clear communication. A variety of digital tools are used to construct, extract and render pictorial views using vector and raster tools. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 11800 - Fundamentals Of Imaging Technology Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides a foundation for the development and use of raster and vector images for a variety of industries. Full-color images and illustrations are produced using computer technologies, with a focus on both technical and aesthetic aspects. Topics include color theory and perception, surface and lighting analysis, rendering techniques, and technical characteristics. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 14100 - Internet Foundations Technologies And Development Credit Hours: 3.00. (CNIT 14100) The course explores the history, architecture, and development of the World Wide Web. Current tagging and scripting languages are covered in a tool-independent environment. Topics also include authoring tools, design, graphic and multimedia formats, and commerce, implementation, and security issues. PC literacy required. Typically offered Spring. General Education: Technology Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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CGT 16300 - Graphical Communication And Spatial Analysis Credit Hours: 2.00. An introductory course in computer graphics applications for mechanical- and aeronautical-related professions. Experiences focus on visualization, sketching, graphic standards, and problem-solving strategies for engineering design. The course will emphasize the proper use of parametric solid modeling for design intent. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 16400 - Graphics For Civil Engineering And Construction Credit Hours: 2.00. An introductory course in the area of computer graphics documentation for civil engineering- and construction-related professions. Experiences focus on accepted industry graphic standards and their technical visual applications. The course emphasizes creation and distribution of graphics to enable communication. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 21100 - Raster Imaging For Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 3.00. Digital images are produced using a variety of computer technologies. Advanced color theory, surface rendering, and light control are emphasized in relation to technical illustration, hardware characteristics, and software capabilities. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 21500 - Computer Graphics Programming I Credit Hours: 3.00. This course focuses on programming fundamentals, logic, and problem solving necessary for advancement into upper level CGT courses. A cross-section of languages and technologies will be introduced and demonstrated. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 21600 - Vector Imaging For Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 3.00. Full-color vector illustrations for a variety of uses are produced using computer methods. Color theory, surface analysis, and rendering techniques are emphasized as they apply to vector-based illustrations. Typically offered Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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CGT 22600 - Introduction To Constraint-Based Modeling Prerequisite(s): CGT 21100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course explores the techniques used in the construction and manipulation of constraint-based solid models and assemblies. Emphasizes extracting data from databases. Downstream applications of data and the impact on overall product design processes are explored. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 24100 - Introduction to Computer Animation Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces the knowledge base on which digital animation and spatial graphics technology are founded and developed. Emphasis will be placed on developing a working knowledge of the mechanics of 3D geometric formats, spline-based modeling with polygon mesh & NURBS, procedural mapping of raster images, simplified polygon modeling, rendering methods, hierarchical linking, and kinematic fundamentals. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 25000 - Foundations Of Interaction Design Prerequisite(s): CGT 10100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 11100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 14100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. A foundational course examining the principles and approaches of interaction design. Students develop design sensibilities and vocabulary as it relates to contemporary interaction design trends. Focus is placed on formulating solutions to problems and challenges people face within interactive products, services, and applications. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 25100 - Principles Of Creative Design Prerequisite(s): CGT 11100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an exploration of conceptualization and problem solving using the integration of type and image as both visual and verbal communication. Topics such as systems of organization, visual hierarchy, creativity, typography, color, and navigation are introduced and explored. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 25600 - Principles Of User Experience Design Prerequisite(s): CGT 14100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 21100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces students to the process of user-centered design of computer systems humans interact with. Students learn how to draw upon principles of usability and user interface design rooted in human psychology and user research in order to conceptualize, prototype, and evaluate computer systems. Topics include processes such as user research, conceptual design, prototyping, and evaluation and concepts such as visual hierarchy, usability, information architecture, navigation, and more. The course is platform-independent and encourages students to experiment with new and emerging technologies. Typically offered Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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CGT 26200 - Introduction To Construction Graphics Prerequisite(s): CGT 11000 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of graphic solutions to problems conditioned by traditional and emerging construction document standards. Construction document creation is based on current architectural engineering and construction (AEC) standards with a focus on residential settings. Introductory 2D documentation will progress into 3D modeling techniques. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 29000 - Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Course topics will be determined by the CGT faculty. Hours and subject matter shall be arranged by the instructor and approved by the CGT curriculum committee. This course will not be used for independent study. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 30100 - Creating Graphics for Digital Display Prerequisite(s): CGT 21100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. The process of creating, editing and reformatting graphics for web and multimedia presentation. Students will gain proficiency in the creation and manipulation of raster and vector based imagery in appropriate technology formats for multimedia delivery. Color theory, design, communication and presentation skills will be emphasized. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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CGT 30400 - Color and Composition Prerequisite(s): CGT 21600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. Students examine traditional color harmonies and modernist theories. Interaction of color and the application of these ideas in the work of 20th century artists are studied and adapted to student projects. Creative and expressive uses of color in all areas of design are encouraged. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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CGT 30500 - Interactive Animation and Delivery Methods Prerequisite(s): CGT 21600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. New and emerging computer technologies are used to create interactive media-rich Web and stand-alone delivery projects. Students focus on the use of emerging scripting technologies that extend the capabilities of HTML, including JavaScript and ActionScript. Additionally, unique vector and raster implementations, such as Macromedia Flash, will be discussed and used. The course furthers the student’s ability to utilize the time and location independent capabilities of Web and new interactive multimedia content delivery methods. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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Credit Hours: 3.00. This course focuses on employing advanced techniques and web technology to create interactive components and applications. Areas of concentration include creation, integration and manipulation of graphical objects using programming libraries and frameworks. Significant time is spent on applying advanced scripting techniques and developing interactive interfaces for web-based and mobile applications. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 30800 - Prepress Production And Design Prerequisite(s): CGT 21600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course focuses on the process of designing, creating, and preparing documents for commercial printing. Students will develop proficiency with publishing software. Topics include page layout, font and image management, color, printing processes, papers, bindings and proofing methods. Projects emphasize designing single and multi-page documents for business and advertising such as identities, flyers, brochures, forms, catalogs, newsletters and booklets. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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CGT 30900 - Internship In Computer Graphics Technology Credit Hours: 2.00 or 3.00. Internship course in computer graphics technology. Practical experience totaling at least 240 hours in computer graphics technology. Permission of department required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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CGT 31000 - Drawing, Acting And Scripts For Animation Prerequisite(s): CGT 11200 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course analyzes the symbiotic relationship between thinking and physical action, between emotion and its expression. Students will explore the visual storytelling process for film, animation, video games or multimedia. Students will learn the history of and gain needed drawing skills to create storyboards, animatics, along with the learning the importance to the production process. Students will learn how animation scripts are developed as well as how visual stories are told through technical elements such as composition, lighting, framing and perspective. Students will explore how to tap into their creativity and create interesting original animations. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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CGT 31600 - Industrial Applications of Computer Graphics Technology Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. This course includes specialized topics, skills, and applied problem solving associated with Computer Graphics Technology. The level of coverage varies according to the audience. Several variable topics may be offered under this title. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 33000 - Multimedia, Animation And Video Game Design And Development Prerequisite(s): CGT 24100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course outlines all the details to create an original video game, build an effective game proposal outline with background information, the story, asset lists, hardware and software requirements. This course will teach the student to maximize design and development time of the original creator. Students will properly detail the proposal for a programming and artistic team to take a game from start to finish. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 34000 - Digital Lighting And Rendering for Computer Animation Prerequisite(s): CGT 24100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 11600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. The development of a working knowledge of perspective display of three-dimensional models and the resulting effects of projected light sources on shade, shadow, color, texture, and atmospheric effects in architecture, product illustration, and animation. Emphasis will be placed on lighting design, analysis, and photorealistic simulation for commercial graphic applications. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 34100 - Motion for Computer Animation Prerequisite(s): CGT 24100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 11600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. An applied course covering three-dimensional computer graphic animation for graphics specialists and professionals involved in the use of technical design, time and motion study, surface texture mapping, digital lighting, color, and the technology required to produce computer animations for commercial applications in manufacturing design, marketing, and training. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 34600 - Digital Video And Audio Prerequisite(s): CGT 24100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Covers the use of digital technologies for video and audio in multimedia, hypermedia, and animation products. Students examine the methods for creating, sampling, and storing digital video and digital audio and the constraints placed on these media assets when used for media-based products. Emphasis is placed upon the technology of digital video and audio, including formats, data rates, compressors, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different technologies. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 35100 - Interactive Multimedia Design Prerequisite(s): CGT 25600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces the many facets of interactive multimedia design and production. Students are introduced to authoring programs used for information delivery, with special attention focused on the integration of various media assets for communication. There is also concentration on the storage, management, and retrieval of media assets in a production environment. Considerable time is spent on the systematic design of interactive media products to meet specified goals of communication. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 35300 - Principles Of Interactive And Dynamic Media Prerequisite(s): CGT 14100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course explores the development of interactive and dynamic media components for web and interactive media products. The course examines the design, creation and integration of 2D animation, 2D games, text, sound, video, programming, and databases for use in web and other interactive media. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 35600 - Web Programming, Development And Data Integration Prerequisite(s): CGT 25600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. A course focusing on the development of dynamic content and applications to facilitate information distribution. The course stresses development strategies for managing the rapidly changing information of corporations and organizations for just-in-time distribution, using authoring programs to create interactive multimedia products that utilize database management systems, file systems, and XML to provide a method for visualizing and manipulating that data. Significant time is spent on intermediate to advanced programming and scripting. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 41100 - Contemporary Problems In Applied Computer Graphics Prerequisite(s): CGT 25600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 35600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 35100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C AND CGT 35300 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Groups will identify, design, qualify, manage, create, and present a final project relative to existing or emerging issues within applied computer graphics. Activities and experiences will explore related topics such as project planning and management, user expectations, interpersonal communications skills, and quality management. The course concludes with faculty, peers, and practicing professionals evaluating oral, written, and media presentations of final projects. Typically offered Fall Spring. Experiential Learning (EL): Yes
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CGT 41501 - Contemporary Problems In Applied Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 2.00. Students identify, research, define, and propose a senior project relative to existing or emerging issues within Computer Graphics Technology. Activities and experiences will explore related topics such as self-assessment, industrial needs and applications, exploratory research, interpersonal communication skills, and management of time, resources, and quality assurance. The course concludes with faculty, peers, and practicing professionals evaluating formal project proposals developed by individual students. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 41600 - Senior Design Project Prerequisite(s): CGT 41100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C OR CGT 41500 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. This capstone course requires students to engage in a substantive endeavor directed at solving problems related to computer graphics. Activities include the creation and management of graphic systems and media assets per the requirements of the senior design proposal. Students are required to demonstrate professional attitudes and attributes in the timely completion and presentation of their project. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 44200 - Production for Computer Animation Prerequisite(s): CGT 34100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. An applied course covering advanced spline modeling techniques, lighting techniques, applied shading, motion dynamics and controllers, particle systems, application customization programming, and pre-production development and planning. Study of emerging advancements in computer animation and spatial graphic technologies will be included. Typically offered Fall.
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CGT 44600 - Post-Production And Special Effects For Computer Animation Prerequisite(s): CGT 44200 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. A variety of commercial applications of technical animation and spatial graphics are analyzed and produced, with special emphasis upon client development, design, organization, scripting, storyboarding, technical production, management, and evaluation. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 45000 - Professional Practices Prerequisite(s): CGT 41501 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C
Credit Hours: 3.00. Preparation for professional employment in computer graphics professions. Topics covered include creative and publishing law, contracts, copyrights, corporate and freelance employment considerations; portfolio planning; and interviewing. Arranged interviews and portfolio reviews. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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Credit Hours: 3.00. This course focuses on the development of applications that manipulate media assets. Significant time is spent on intermediate to advanced programming and scripting as well as the synchronization of aural and graphical components. Students are required to plan, design, and implement a major project, and a final presentation is required. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 45600 - Advanced Web Programming, Development And Data Integration Prerequisite(s): CGT 35600 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF C (MAY BE TAKEN CONCURRENTLY)
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course presents the advanced technologies available for use on the World Wide Web and within corporate intranet environments. Emphasis and discussion is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies as well as on implementation to create unique solutions for business and industry. Strategies for planning, development, and implementation will be discussed and demonstrated. Significant time is spent on advanced programming and scripting as well as manipulation and visualization of data from various sources, including robust database management systems. Students are required to plan, design and implement a major project. Typically offered Spring.
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CGT 49000 - Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Senior-level course topics will be determined by the CGT faculty. Hours and subject matter shall be arranged by the instructor and approved by the CGT curriculum committee. This course will not be used for independent study. Typically offered Fall Spring.
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CGT 49100 - Special Topics in Computer Graphics Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. A variable title, variable content course pertaining to problems and research in graphical methods and representation. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 51200 - Foundational Readings of User Experience Design Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides an overview of the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience (UX) design. Students will explore the main themes, paradigms, and theories of HCI and UX from its inception to the present. The course takes a broad, chronological approach, examining the history and evolution of HCI and UX, including its major intellectual shifts, successes and failures, and its dynamic relationship to other fields. Students will read seminal works from leading researchers. This course is intended to provide a solid foundation for further research. No specific technical or programming experience is required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 51300 - Interactive Multimedia Development And Research Credit Hours: 3.00. A survey of the interactive multimedia development process, knowledge base, and applications in business and industry. Particular attention is paid to research issues surrounding theoretical, technological, and interactive techniques, and validating those approaches through applied research. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of the development of new media tools. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 52000 - Computer Graphics Programming Prerequisite(s): CGT 51100 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D-
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides a working knowledge of computer graphics programming using OpenGL and C++. OpenGL is the platform independent industrial standard APL and the leading edge technology for computer graphics application design. It has been used in the gaming industry, as well as in research and for scientific visualizations. The course focuses on creating real-time and interactive applications and is structured into several blocks; OpenGL introduction, modeling, texturing, transformations, lighting, and interactive application design. Students will develop various applications through the course focusing different aspects of computer graphics programming. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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CGT 58100 - Workshop In Computer Graphics Technology Credit Hours: 0.00 to 8.00. Advanced study of technical and professional topics. Emphasis is on new developments relating to technical, operational, and training aspects of industry and technology education. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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Computer and Information Technology |
CNIT 10100 - Orientation To Computer And Information Technology Credit Hours: 1.00. This is a resource seminar required for all incoming Computer & Information Technology (CIT) majors. It is intended to ease a freshman CIT major’s entry into the CIT program at Purdue North Central and, in general, the Purdue University system. It introduces the student to some fundamental details such as how to study, time management, academic success strategies, general policies and procedures of the University, and the many resources available at the North Central campus. In addition, it is designed to provide students with information regarding career options in the Information Technology field. Required of all students entering the CIT program with less that 30 credit hours of college credit. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. General Education: GEUR
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CNIT 10500 - Introduction To C Programming Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an introduction to computer programming using the “C” language. The emphasis is on structured programming principles, and understanding the basic concepts that apply to engineering problems. Among topics covered in this course are: problem solving using top down design, using flowcharts to explain the program logic, selection structure, repetition structure, bitwise operations, arrays, pointers, strings, passing arguments, and sequential files. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
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CNIT 10700 - Computers And Software Packages Credit Hours: 1.00 to 4.00. Prerequisites vary with course content. Does not carry credit toward degree requirements in Computer Technology.Topics and skills associated with specific computer(s) and/or specific software package(s). Level of coverage varies according to audience. Various applications packages may be offered under this title. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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