2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

Students who enter institutions of higher education agree to know and abide by the rules of their institutions. Listed in this section of the catalog are some of the specific regulations which govern student and academic programs. Other regulations are listed in the Student Handbook. A complete set of academic regulations is available to students in the Office of the Dean of Students, SUL (Student Union and Library), Room 313 at Hammond location and, Library-Student Faculty Building Room 103 at the Westville location.

Academic Advising, Program Requirements and Degree Maps

Students are expected to know the requirements for the degree(s) they are pursuing, and can view requirements, degree maps, and consider other degree options via the Programs of Study page . Students are expected to meet with their academic advisor every semester in order to ensure continued progress toward their program of study requirements.

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar shall consist of two, 16-week semesters and one summer session. Refer to the Registrar’s webpage for exact dates on the registration calendar.

Final Examinations

  1. In regular semesters, the final examination period shall consist of six scheduled days comprising the 16th week of the semester. The two-hour class meetings during the six days of the final examination period will be scheduled. Upon request, a single course-wide examination will be scheduled for any course.
  2. Each class will be scheduled for a two-hour meeting during the final examination period. Excepted are those courses classified as individual study, clinic, student teaching, industrial experience (co-op), or research and those offered for zero credit. If no educational purpose will be served by any type of meeting during the 16th week because the educational objectives of the course have been achieved, a department may dismiss this class meeting during the 16th week.
  3. No student shall be required to take more than two examinations on one day.
  4. Students scheduled for more than two examinations in one calendar day are entitled to reschedule any examinations in excess of two. Similarly, students faced with a direct exam conflict are entitled to reschedule either examination. It is the responsibility of the student to make the necessary arrangements before the last week of regularly scheduled classes. Course instructors shall not penalize a student who chooses to reschedule an examination under these options (University Senate Document 90-22, March 25, 1991).
  5. The final examination period is intended for the end-of-semester examination. No examination or quiz may be given during the week (three days in summer session) preceding the final examination period of the semester (examinations for laboratory, intensive, or minicourses excluded). It will be the responsibility of the department head or, where appropriate, the school head to ensure that none of the departmental or school faculty use the week (three days in summer session) preceding the final examination period to administer an examination.
  6. Comprehensive final examinations (examinations for laboratory, intensive or minicourses excluded) are prohibited except during the regular final examination periods of the last week of the semester.

Majors and Degree Programs

Students are assigned to an academic program and advisor based upon the major on their initial application and the admissions decision. A student who wishes to change their major to another within Purdue Northwest may do so by competing a Change of Degree Objective form and receiving appropriate approvals. The Change of Degree Objective form is available online, through the Registrar’s webpage. Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar before the end of the second week of the effective term.  Forms received after the second week will be effective for the next term. The request form may be honored after the second week if it is accompanied by a special petition setting forth the extenuating circumstances.


Pre-registration for future semesters is ongoing. Registration dates can be found on the University academic calendar. Students register for classes online in the myPNW portal and are encouraged to work with their academic advisor regarding course selection and staying on track for graduation. Drop and Adds are also processed online during designated dates. Payment may be made by web, mail, or in person. The deadline for payment of fees occurs before the first week of classes.  Information regarding payment deadlines, tuition, and fees can be found on the Bursar’s webpage.

Late Registration

Late registrations will be accepted for one week after the beginning of classes in a regular semester and three days after the beginning of classes in a summer session. After the beginning of any session a late registrant shall be assessed an additional late registration fee (see the Fees section for details).

Registration for Classes

There are three registration periods for the fall, spring, and summer sessions.

PRIORITY REGISTRATION: allows current students an opportunity to pre-register in order to enroll in the courses they need.

OPEN REGISTRATION: for students unable to register early and for students who may need to adjust their schedules.

LATE REGISTRATION: held during the first week of classes (special schedule for summer) and to allow students to make section and class changes. A penalty fee is charged to students who enroll during this period for the first time.

Adding Courses

Course Additions, Change of Level, or Change to Pass/Not-Pass Option.  Students may add classes, request to change course level or change to the pass/not pass option online in the myPNW portal during the first four weeks of a semester or the first two weeks of a summer session.  Approvals may be required following the schedule below. Student Athletes must contact the Athletic Department in order to process changes to their semester schedule.   

Week 1 No approval required.
Week 2-4 Approval of academic advisor and instructor.
Week 5-9 Extenuating circumstances only. Approval of academic advisor, instructor and head of the department in which the course is listed.
Week 10-16 Not permitted.

Dropping Courses

Students may withdraw from courses online in the myPNW portal. Withdrawals after the second week of the semester will require academic advisor approval.

The time period in which a student withdraws from a course determines the recording of the course on the student’s transcript. The following guidelines apply to the sixteen-week Fall and Spring semesters only. Accelerated term and Summer term refund schedules are calculated based upon a modified schedule.

  Week 1-2 No approval required, course will not be recorded on academic record
  Week 3-12 W grade recorded on academic record
  Week 13-16 No withdrawals are allowed*

*Exceptions to the preceding regulations for registration, schedule revision, and cancellation of assignment may be made for courses that do not span the regular semester or summer session

Class Attendance

General Attendance

Instructors are expected to establish and clearly communicate in the course syllabus attendance policies relevant to individual courses. Course attendance policies must be consistent with University policy. It is recognized that occasionally it may be necessary for a student to be absent from a scheduled course activity for personal reasons beyond his/her control (e.g., illness, family emergency, bereavement, etc.). The University expects each student to be responsible for class-related work missed as a result of an unavoidable absence; this work may be made up at the discretion of the instructor.

Students are expected to be present for every meeting of the classes in which they are enrolled. All matters relative to attendance, including making up of work missed, are matters for arrangement between the student and instructor involved. It is expected that all instructors will, at the beginning of the semester, make a clear statement to all of their classes regarding their policy for handling absences. Students who fail to meet their class engagements satisfactorily may be denied credit for exercises missed. The instructor will be responsible for counseling with the student whose absences endanger academic performance.

Only the instructor can excuse a student from a course requirement or responsibility. When conflicts or absences can be anticipated, such as for many University sponsored activities and religious observances, the student should inform the instructor of the situation as far in advance as possible and the instructor should strive to accommodate the student. Individual course policies may state expected notification periods. For unanticipated or emergency absences where advance notification to an instructor is not possible, the student should contact the instructor as soon as possible by e-mail, phone, or by contacting the main office of the department that offers the course. When the student is unable to make direct contact with the instructor and is unable to leave word with the instructor’s department because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, the student or the student’s representative should contact the Office of the Dean of Students. A member of the Dean of Students staff will notify the student’s instructor(s) of the circumstances. The student should be aware that this intervention does not change in any way the outcome of the instructor’s decision regarding the students’ academic work and performance in any given course.

Regardless of whether these absences are anticipated or unanticipated, instructors are to allow for absences in accordance with the Student Bereavement Policy and in all other cases, are encouraged to accommodate the student. In certain laboratory-based or intensive short-term courses, a student can jeopardize his/her academic status with an unreasonable number of absences, particularly in lab courses that cannot be made up later. The student should always consult with the instructor to determine the potential impact of any absence.

Students holding the opinion that they have been wrongly denied an excused absence or the opportunity to make up missed work should contact the head of the department offering the course or the Office of the Dean of Students to attempt to resolve the conflict.

Conflicts with Religious Observances

The University values a community with diverse backgrounds and traditions and recognizes that conflicts between regularly scheduled curricular activities and religious observances of some members of our community can arise. Instructors are encouraged to cooperate with students in dealing with work missed due to absences resulting from participation in religious observances.

Students requesting special consideration in scheduling are encouraged to make this known to instructors well in advance, minimize the length of the absence, and be flexible in arranging alternative times to complete any assignments they might miss. Students holding the opinion that they have wrongly been denied an excused absence or the opportunity to make up missed work due to an absence for a religious observance should contact the head of the department offering the course to attempt to resolve the conflict.

A problem of excessive absences may be referred to the Dean of Students by either the instructor or the student if further information is needed or if either feels that further discussion would resolve the problem. Instructors obtaining information concerning the absence of a student due to personal factors are requested to report such knowledge at once to the Dean of Students. If a student is absent from all the meetings of any regularly scheduled class for a period of two successive weeks, the student may be reported to the Dean of Students for appropriate action.

University Excused Absences

The University Senate recognizes the following as types of absences that must be excused:

  • Absences related to those covered under the Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS)
  • Absences related to those covered under the Military Absence Policy for Students (MAPS)

Grief Absence Policy for Students

Grief Absence Policy for Students Policy Statement: Purdue University recognizes that a time of bereavement is very difficult for a student. The University therefore provides the following rights to students facing the loss of a family member through the Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS).

GAPS Policy: Students will be excused with no penalty to a student’s attendance and the student will be given the opportunity to make up coursework as defined in the course syllabus for bereavement leave.  This includes being granted leave even in those instances where a student does not travel from campus. 

Scope: This policy applies to all full-time and part-time students currently enrolled in the Purdue University System.

  • Immediate Family: Students are eligible for up to five (5) days of excused absence, over a two-week period, of the semester in which the death occurs, for the death of a spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling, or a corresponding in-law or step-relative.
  • Other Relationships: Students are eligible for up to three (3) days of excused absence, over a two-week period, of the semester in which the death occurs, for the death of relatives or friends falling outside of the category of immediate family.

In unique circumstances, a bereaved student should petition for extended grief absence through the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) by meeting individually with an ODOS staff member for case evaluation.

In addition, students may be granted additional absences to account for travel considerations, to be determined by the distance of the verified funeral services from a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus as follows:

Within 150-mile radius of a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus – no additional excused absence days; between 150 – 300-mile radius of a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus – one additional excused absence days; beyond 300-mile radius of a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus – two additional excused absence days; outside the 48 contiguous United States – four additional excused absence days.

A student should contact the ODOS to request that a notice of his or her leave be sent to instructors. The student will provide documentation of the death or funeral service attended to the ODOS. Given proper documentation, the instructor will excuse the student from class and provide the opportunity to earn equivalent credit and to demonstrate evidence of meeting the learning outcomes for missed assignments or assessments.

In cases of impending death, students should contact the instructor as soon as possible by e-mail, phone, or by contacting the main office of the department that offers the course. When the student is unable to make direct contact with the instructor and is unable to leave word with the instructor’s department because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, the student or the student’s representative should contact the Office of the Dean of Students. A member of the Dean of Students staff will notify the student’s instructor(s) of the circumstances. Instructors should work to reasonably accommodate students in these unique circumstances.

If the student is not satisfied with the implementation of this policy by a faculty member, he or she is encouraged to contact the Department Head and if necessary, the ODOS, for further review of his or her case. In a case where grades are negatively affected, the student may follow the established grade appeals process.

Military Service Excusal Policy for Students

Policy Statement: Purdue University Northwest recognizes that those who are actively serving in the Reserves or National Guard of the United States are required by their military contract to attend mandatory training, with failure to attend punishable under law. The University therefore provides the following rights to students required by their military contract to attend mandatory training through the Military Absence Policy for Students (MAPS).

MAPS Policy:  Students will be excused, and no penalty will be applied to a student’s absence for mandatory military training and be given the opportunity to make up coursework as defined in the course syllabus. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor at the beginning of the semester of the potential for mandatory military service conflicts. Students should expect that absences from heavier course loads will be more difficult to recover from than absences from lighter course loads. In the event of active duty deployment, the student may withdraw from their courses.

Scope:  Students are eligible for up to fifteen (15) days of excused absence per academic year, with no more than ten (10) academic calendar (during the fall and spring semester) days taken consecutively, for their mandatory military training. Total absences, including travel, may not exceed 1/3 of the course meetings for any course.

Students may be granted additional absences to account for travel considerations, to be determined by the distance of the verified military training or service from the PNW campus, as follows:

  • Within 150-mile radius of a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus, no additional excused absence days.
  • Between 150 – 300-mile radius of a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus, one additional excused absence day.
  • Beyond 300-mile radius of a student’s home Purdue Northwest campus, two additional excused absence days.
  • Outside the 48 contiguous United States, four additional excused absence days.

A student should contact the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) to request that a notice of the leave be sent to instructors as soon as he or she is informed of the dates of mandatory military training.  The student will provide documentation of the mandatory military training in the form of orders or equivalent documents as proof of legitimate absence to the ODOS as soon as these documents are available.  If necessary, the ODOS may consult with the Office of Veterans Services about the nature of the documentation.  When documentation is presented to the Office of the Dean of Students a verified absence notification will be sent to the student’s instructors.

The student may provide verbal information about the leave to the ODOS and an unverified preliminary (non–MAPS) notice will be sent to instructors for planning purposes only.  MAPS will be applicable only when the student has returned to the ODOS with substantiating documentation and ODOS has sent a verified absence notification to the instructors.

With a verified absence notification from the ODOS, no penalty will be applied to a student’s absence for mandatory military training and the student will be given the opportunity to make up course work as defined in the course syllabus.

Unique or variant exceptions should be dealt with in a negotiated manner between the student and professor, which may include involving the Department Head, Dean of the school or college, ODOS, or the Office of Veterans Services to review and consult on his or her situation.

In certain laboratory-based or intensive short-term courses, a student can jeopardize his/her academic status with an unreasonable number of absences, particularly in lab courses that cannot be made up later. In courses with extensive laboratory exercises, group projects, group performances, or participation requirements, equivalent exercises or assessments may not be possible as determined by the instructor and subject to review by the Dean of the school or college offering the course, or their designee. In such a case the student may be eligible for retroactive withdrawal. The student should always consult with the instructor to determine the potential impact of any absence.

If the student is not satisfied with the implementation of this policy by a faculty member, he or she is encouraged to contact the Department Head and if necessary, the ODOS or Veterans Services, for further review of his or her case. In a case where grades are negatively affected, the student may follow the established grade appeals process.


Students requesting excused absences or leaves under the above policies should expect that absences from heavier course loads or those in certain laboratory-based or intensive short-term courses will have a greater impact on a student then those with a lighter course load. In courses with extensive laboratory exercises, group projects, group performances, or participation requirements, make up coursework may not be possible as determined by the instructor and subject to review by the Dean of the school or college offering the course, or their designee. In such a case the student may be eligible for retroactive withdrawal. The student is advised to always consult with the instructor to determine the potential impact of any absence.

Students who have received an approved leave of absence will be permitted to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the absences began. Additionally, students who have had an approved leave of absence will maintain their fellowship and scholarship status for all Purdue University-administered fellowships and scholarships.

Students who believe that they have not been provided an excused absence(s) or the opportunity to complete make up work are encouraged to attempt to resolve the matter informally with the instructor, and department head and Dean of the College or School that the course is offered.  In a case where grades are negatively affected, the student may follow the established grade appeals process.

The University expects that students will attend classes for which they are registered. At times, however, either anticipated or unanticipated absences can occur. The student bears the responsibility of informing the instructor in a timely fashion, when possible. The instructor bears the responsibility of trying to accommodate the student either by excusing the student or allowing the student to make up work, when possible. The University expects both students and their instructors to approach problems with class attendance in a manner that is reasonable.

Class attendance is mandatory for Title IV financial aid recipients.

Auditing Classes for Visitors

A person who is already enrolled as a student in the University and who wishes to attend a course in the University without credit shall obtain from the Office of the Registrar an Audit Permission form stating their name, their PUID, the subject, course number, and CRN (Course Reference Number), the number of credits and the term.  The form needs to be signed by the instructor of record for the course.  A person who is not already enrolled as a student must apply for admission as a non-degree student with the Office of Admissions.  Once accepted, the student may follow the steps outlined above.  No person who is ineligible for readmission by reason of that person having been separated from the University for scholastic or other reasons shall be eligible to attend classes as an auditor.

A person who has status in the University by reason of admission to, and registration in, a definite classification may enroll in a course as an auditor. The assignment and enrollment must be completed by the regular procedure for registration. The assessment of fees and determination of allowable load shall be in accordance with the credit value or equivalent of the course(s) involved. Students whose names are placed on the Dean’s list should be entitled during the semester following the designation of distinction with the instructor’s permission, may audit one class without assessment or additional fee.

An auditor in a course shall be entitled to hear lectures, recitations, and oral quizzes. An auditor shall not participate in classroom exercises except as invited by the instructor. An auditing student shall not submit papers, when tests or examinations are given, nor take part in laboratory work. An auditor shall receive no credit for the course.

Financial Obligations and Responsibilities

Students should make every effort to keep their credit good in the community for their own benefit and that of all students.

A student’s failure to pay the University amounts owed by established due dates may result in default interest charges and late fees and imposition of holds preventing access to student services such as registration, delivery of transcripts or diplomas. You understand and accept that if you fail to pay your student account bill or any monies due and owing to the University by the scheduled due date, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring your account current, the University may refer your delinquent account to a collection agency and incur additional collection costs and fees. As provided in Indiana Code Section 21-14-2-11, you further understand and agree that you are responsible for paying collection agency fees which may be assessed based on a percentage not to exceed thirty-three and one third percent (33.3%) for domestic collections or up to fifty percent (50%) of the balance in cases of litigation. Court costs and attorney fees may also be assessed. Collection fees outside of the United States may range up to 54%. The fifteen percent (15%) charge under Indiana Code § 6-8.1-9.5-10 associated with collection of indebtedness by means of the Indiana state tax set off program (which allows a state agency to apply for setoff against a debtor’s state tax refund) shall be included in the indebtedness. Any judgment entered shall be without relief from valuation and appraisement laws. The parties agree that the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any dispute resolution brought under this agreement shall be the courts of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, except as pre-empted by or prohibited by 15 USC § 1692i, as hereinafter amended from time to time, other federal statutes, or state laws and regulations, including consumer protection laws but excluding general preferred venue laws. All returned checks, drafts or orders are subject to a service charge not exceeding the maximum allowed by Indiana law. Finally, you understand that your delinquent account may be reported to one or more of the national credit reporting agencies. You authorize the University and its employees, agents, representatives, attorneys, vendors and contractors (including collection agencies) to contact you on a current or future land line telephone and/or cellular telephone number(s), and via e-mail; and to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages, for the purpose of collection of your financial obligations or to receive general information from the University. You agree to keep the University informed and updated in the event of a change in your cellular telephone number, home or business telephone number, mailing address or email address.

Students with past due financial obligations to the University may have their official university records placed on hold, including placement of a hold on registration eligibility for any future academic terms. Degree candidates with delinquent financial obligations to the University must pay or satisfy such debts at least one week before the close of any term. If any such debts have not been paid or satisfied upon terms acceptable to the University before the close of any term, a candidate’s diploma may be withheld from graduation ceremonies, or if the degree is granted without knowledge of such delinquency, the diploma and transcript will be held until the financial obligation has been satisfied.

Course Withdrawal

To withdraw from a class, a student must drop the course online in the myPNW portal. Students with financial aid should note that making a change in enrollment may affect their financial aid award. Although you get financial aid in the early part of the Semester, you must complete your classes in order to “earn” it. If you drop a class or stop attending during the Semester, it’s possible you could owe some of the funds back. Your financial aid is always based on your enrollment - if your class load changes, your financial aid can too.  The student should notify the Office of Financial Aid immediately if there is a change in enrollment.  The Office of Financial Aid can be reached at finaid@pnw.edu, or by calling (219) 989-2301 to speak to the Hammond Campus staff or (219) 785-5460 for Westville.

Discontinuance of class attendance is not the basis for withdrawal

Students who do not drop a course online in the myPNW portal by the designated deadline will be given a failing grade in each course involved.

Allowable Academic Load

A student’s academic load shall be arranged, so far as possible, in accordance with the following policy:

1.  Credits in excess of 18 hours during a regular session should be carefully monitored by the academic advisor, who may wish to consult with appropriate University personnel concerning the student’s prognosis for success. Unless the student’s curriculum requirement for that session is specified as greater than 18 credits, approval by the dean of his/her school or the dean’s designee must be obtained before the student may be assigned more than 18 credit hours.

2.  In summer session, a student may not be assigned to more than nine credit hours without approval by the dean of his/her school or the dean’s designee (University Senate Document 83-5, as amended and approved January 23, 1984).

Academic Classification of Undergraduate Students

  1. A student at Purdue University is any person who has been admitted to the University and who is currently enrolled in one or more courses for which there will be a permanent academic record.
  2. Each student shall be admitted and identified as one of the following:

a. Degree. A student who has been admitted and registered for the purpose of earning a degree.

b. Nondegree (University Senate Document 88-17, April 24, 1989). A student who is not in a program of study leading to a degree. A nondegree student has a limited purpose for his/her registration. A nondegree student is enrolled for personal or professional enrichment or to strengthen his/her academic background to gain degree-seeking status. Such a student must provide evidence that he/she is qualified to enroll in the course(s) he/she desires. The maximum credits a non-degree student can enroll in is 7 credits hours per semester.

A student’s academic classification for an associate or bachelor’s degree shall be classified by numerals 1, 2, 3, etc., corresponding to the total number of credit hours of college work earned.

Total Credits Earned Semester Classification Status
14 or less 1 First-year Student
15 to 29 2  
30 to 44 3 Sophomore
45 to 59 4  
60 to 74 5 Junior
75 to 89 6  
90 to 104 7 Senior
105 or more 8  

The starting date for degree requirements for an approved curriculum is the Fall semester of the academic year. When a new or revised curriculum or degree requirement is approved by a college or school, the new requirements shall not apply to students currently enrolled in the University. This limitation will expire 6 academic years after the new/revised curriculum is adopted. Current students may elect to use the new/revised curriculum or degree requirements for graduation on written request to the school or college. Curriculum or degree requirement changes made to satisfy requirements for professional accreditation may have a starting date in the semester in which the changes are made.


Each student shall be responsible for the completion of all required work, in each course for which he/she has enrolled, by the time of the last scheduled meeting of the class, unless his/her assignment to the course has been properly withdrawn. Each student shall receive from his/her instructors a grade in each course for which he/she is enrolled at the close of the session. This grade shall indicate the student’s achievement with respect to the objectives of the course. The following grades shall be available to be assigned by the instructors and offered at Purdue Northwest are listed below:

For Credit Courses:

A+/A Highest passing grade
D- Lowest passing grade, indicating achievement of the minimum objectives of the course
E Conditional failure, meaning failure to achieve minimum objectives, but only to such limited extent that credit can be obtained by examination or otherwise without repeating the entire course. This grade represents failure in the course unless the record is changed within one semester, by examination or otherwise. In any case, the grade cannot be changed to any other grade but a D.
F Failure to achieve minimum objectives of the course. The student must repeat the course and complete it satisfactorily in order to establish credit for it.
For Credit courses taken under the pass/not pass option:
P Passing grade; A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C-
N Not passing

For zero credit courses (includes thesis research but not including laboratory portions of courses in which, for purposes of scheduling separate course designations are used for the laboratory section):

S Satisfactory, meets course objectives
U Unsatisfactory, does not meet course objectives
AU Audit Grade; does not meet objectives
NS Not Submitted; assigned when a grade is not submitted by the instructor

For incomplete work, credit or noncredit:

A grade of incomplete is a record of work that was interrupted by unavoidable absence or other causes beyond a student’s control, which work was passing at the time it was interrupted and the completion of which does not require the student to repeat the course in order to obtain credit. The incomplete grade is not to be used as a substitute for a failing grade. The incomplete may also be used to delay the awarding of a grade in courses (e.g., self-paced courses, mastery courses, and practicums) the completion of which normally requires one semester, but the structure of which allows specified additional time. An instructor may consult with the dean of students to determine whether the circumstances may warrant a grade of incomplete. When an instructor reports a grade of incomplete, he/she shall file in the departmental office registrar’s form 60 stating the reasons for the grade and what is required of the student to achieve a permanent grade. The instructor shall also indicate the grade the student has earned on the work completed, and the weight to be given to the remainder of the work in computing a final, permanent grade. The student must achieve a permanent grade in the course no later than one year after the incomplete is given, or the incomplete will revert to a failing grade.  A student will not be permitted to enroll in a course in a future semester for a course in which they have a current I, PI, or SI grade.

Appropriate incomplete grades for courses are as follows: I: Incomplete; no grade; the student was enrolled in a credit course under the regular grade option. PI: Incomplete; no grade; same as I except that the student was enrolled in a credit course under the pass/not-pass option. (See Pass/No Pass Option) SI: Incomplete; no grade; same as I except that the student was enrolled in a zero-credit course.

Pass/Not Pass Option

In order to provide students with the opportunity to broaden their educational foundations with minimum concern for grades the university faculty has provided an alternative grading system in which a student may take a limited number of courses as Pass/No Pass is established.   Students will register for the pass/not-pass option during the first four weeks of a semester or the first two weeks of a summer session.

The option is open to all students in the University subject to the regulations of the school in which the student is enrolled. In particular, the school will specify under what conditions a course that is passed under this option may be used to satisfy its graduation requirements. A department or school may specify that certain courses intended only for students in that department or school are available only on the pass/not-pass option (University Senate Document 75-10, as amended and approved, April 19, 1976).

Subject to the regulations of his/her school, a student may elect this option in any course that does not already appear on his/her academic record and in which he/she is otherwise eligible to enroll for credit with letter grade. A student may not elect this option for more than 20 percent of the total credit hours required for graduation.

The instructor’s class roster will indicate which students have elected this option.

A student who is enrolled in a course under this option has the same obligations as those who are enrolled in the course for credit with letter grade. When the instructor reports final grades in the course, he/she will report that any such student who would have earned a grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, or C- has passed the course, and that any other such student has not passed. The registrar will make an appropriate notation on the student’s academic record in place of a letter grade, but will not use the course in computing GPA.

Each student who would have earned a Grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C- has passed the course and that any other such student has not passed. The specific regulations stipulating when this option may be used are determined by the school administering the curriculum of the student.


The registrar is directed to record the following grades and symbols under special circumstances in lieu of semester grades. The registrar may request from the faculty such information as he/she needs and on such forms as the registrar shall prescribe.

W Withdrew; grade records that student was enrolled in a credit course and withdrew or cancelled the course after the withdrawal date per campus time-frame.
IF Unremoved Incomplete-Failing; Assigned by the Registrar; failure to complete an I grade before the end of one year after the Incomplete was given.  This grade counts in all respects as a failing grade. 
IN Unremoved Incomplete-Not Passing; failing to complete a pass/not pass course in which the student received a PI before the end of one year after the Incomplete was given. Does not affect scholarship index.
IU Unremoved Incomplete-Unsatisfactory; failing to complete a zero-credit course in which a student received an SI before the end of one year after the Incomplete was given. Does not affect scholarship index.
NS Assigned by the Registrar; for those course grades not submitted by the instructor.

Grade Corrections

An instructor who discovers that an erroneous grade was reported for a student shall immediately submit to the registrar a statement, countersigned by the department head, of what retroactive correction is to be made. A correction of grade should be reported to the registrar within 30 days after the start of the fall, spring or summer semester following the semester in which the erroneous grade was reported. Any correction reported after this time must be accompanied by the instructor’s explanation for the delay in reporting in addition to the approval of the department head, unless the grade change is the result of a grade appeal. When a grade correction is recorded, the appropriate semester and overall GPA will be corrected (University Senate Document 79-4, November 19, 1979).

Scholastic Indexes

The scholastic standing of all undergraduate students enrolled in programs leading to a degree shall be determined by two scholastic grade point averages (GPAs). The semester GPA and the cumulative (overall) GPA.

  1. The semester GPA is an average determined by weighting each grade received during a given semester by the number of semester hours of credit in the course.
  2. The cumulative GPA for an undergraduate student is a weighted average of all grades received as an undergraduate student. With the guidance of the appropriate academic advisor, a student may enroll in a non-repeatable course up to three times. In such cases, the same course* is to be used, the same grade mode and only the most recent grade received shall be included in the cumulative GPA. In the case of a course in which a conditional grade has been improved by examination, the most recent grade received shall be used. 
  3. The cumulative GPA for a graduate student is a weighted average of all grades received by the student in graduate-level courses (those numbered 500 or higher) since entering a graduate program, plus all grades received in undergraduate-level courses, taken while in the graduate program as part of the graduate plan of study. All students shall be allowed to enroll in a non-repeatable course at most three times. In the case of such a repeated course, the same course* is to be used, the same grade mode and only the most recent grade received shall be included in the graduation GPA. Grades received in foreign language courses to establish reading knowledge as specified by the Graduate Council are not used in computing graduation indexes.

*An equivalent course may be used when authorized by the faculty member in charge of said course. Transfer credits from other colleges and universities may be used to fulfill degree requirements, but cannot be used to remove Purdue recorded grades from GPA calculations

For the purpose of averaging, each grade shall be weighted in the following manner:

A+, A 4.0 x semester hours = index points
A- 3.7 x semester hours = index points
B+ 3.3 x semester hours = index points
B 3.0 x semester hours = index points
B- 2.7 x semester hours = index points
C+ 2.3 x semester hours = index points
C 2.0 x semester hours = index points
C- 1.7 x semester hours = index points
D+ 1.3 x semester hours = index points
D 1.0 x semester hours = index points
D- 0.7 x semester hours = index points
E, F, IF 0.0 x semester hours = index points
Grades of P, N, I, PI, W, WF, WN, IN, IU, AU, and NS are not included

The semester GPA is the sum of all index points for one semester for grades A+/A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E, IF, and F divided by the sum of all corresponding semester hours. This index is represented by the following formula:

S =    NA+NA+NA-+NB+NB … NF

4NA+4NA+3.7NA-+3.3NB+3NB … +0NF

In the formula, NA+ , NA , NA- , NB+ , etc., are, respectively, the number of credit hours of A+, A, A-, B+, etc.

The cumulative and program GPAs are computed similarly using the grades specified above. (University Senate Document 7-5, April 21, 2008)

The registrar shall compile and report semester and cumulative GPAs after the close of each academic session.

Academic Renewal

(University Senate Document 10-7, March 21, 2011)

Academic renewal is a recalculation of the Scholastic Indices.

All Purdue University System graded courses that comprise the Academic Record prior to Re-entry or Readmission will receive zero credit, are not included in the credit hour total, and make zero contribution to the calculation of the Program GPA or the Cumulative GPA.

The original course grade record will remain unchanged on the transcript.

The Academic Renewal Policy shall be a Purdue University policy and be independent of the student’s School or College.

Academic Renewal applies to students who have been admitted to the University under the current University Standards and Policies for Re-Entry or Readmission and have not been enrolled at Purdue University in the preceding five years.

Students must petition the Office of the Registrar to have their Scholastic Indices recalculated using the Academic Renewal Policy. This recalculation will not be implemented unless the student is in good standing according to University policy, and has completed at least 12 credit hours after Re-Entry or Readmission. The petition for recalculation of the Scholastic Indices must be made by students within one full year from the start of the semester in which they are readmitted or granted Re-Entry.

Academic Renewal may only be granted once for a student.

Academic Standing

Good Standing

For purposes of reports and communications to other institutions and agencies and in the absence of any further qualification of the term, a student shall be considered in good standing unless he or she has been dismissed, suspended, or academically separated from the University and has not been readmitted.

Academic Recognition

At the conclusion of each fall or spring semester (but not any summer session), the registrar indicates which students are eligible for the following academic recognitions:

Semester Honors List

  • have at least six credit hours included in the semester GPA
  • attain at least a 3.5 semester GPA
  • have at least a 2.0 overall GPA

Students whose names are placed on the Dean’s List shall be entitled to the following special privileges during the semester following the designation of distinction:

  • may be assigned to more than 18 credit hours upon request
  • with the instructor’s permission, a full-time Dean’s List student may audit one class without assessment or additional fee

It would be possible to earn both Dean’s List and Semester Honors standing if the student has a really outstanding semester.

Pass/no-pass grades and credits do not count in hours totals for either category of honors.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is Purdue University Northwest’s way of recognizing undergraduate students for outstanding scholastic achievement. At the conclusion of each semester, the registrar shall indicate which undergraduate students are scholastically eligible to be included on the Dean’s List. To be cited on the Dean’s List for any semester, one must:

  • have at least 12 hours included in the cumulative GPA
  • have at least 6 hours included in the semester GPA
  • attain at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA
  • have at least a 3.0 current semester GPA

Honors College

Students certified by the Honors College as having completed the requirements of the Honors College receive an appropriate notation on their academic record upon completion of their degree.

Academic Notice, Separation, and Readmission

Academic Notice

Students are placed on academic notice and are so notified by the university whenever the fall or spring semester GPA or cumulative GPA at the end of any fall or spring semester is less than a 2.0.

  1. Students on academic notice and whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 but semester GPA is greater than or equal to 2.0, will remain on notice.

  2. Students on academic notice and whose semester GPA is less than 2.0 but cumulative GPA is greater than or equal to 2.0, will remain on notice.

An appropriate notation will be made on the academic record. Any grade change will require recalculation of an academic notice status.  Academic standing will not be assessed in summer sessions.  Students are removed from academic notice at the end of the first subsequent fall or spring semester in which the semester and cumulative GPA are greater than or equal to 2.0.  A student who wishes to appeal an academic notice standing should contact the academic department of their major for guidance in the appeal process.

Students Separated from the University Due to Academics

Students currently on academic notice, will be notified of being separated from the University if, at the end of any fall or spring semester, the semester and cumulative GPA are both less than a 2.0. An appropriate notation will be made on the academic record. Any grade change will require recalculation of an academic separation status.

Any grade change due to a reporting error will result in a recalculation of the index and determination of academic separation status.


A student who is academically separated from Purdue Northwest or any other campus of Purdue University for the first time may not enroll at Purdue University until one fall or spring semester has passed.  A student who is academically separated for the second time is not eligible to enroll for at least one year. Any student readmitted by this rule will be admitted on academic notice and is subject to stipulations in effect as a condition of readmission.  Readmissions are reported to the Registrar and an appropriate entry is made on the student’s academic record.

Purdue students requesting readmission must complete an online readmission application through our website http://www.pnw.edu/admissions/ and pay a $100 non-refundable fee. The fee must be paid by the designated deadline in order for the application to be processed. For inquiries regarding the readmission process, please call the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (219) 989-2213 or toll free at (855) 608-4600.

Graduation Requirements

For the Associate Degree

  1. Completion of Program Requirements. Completion of the plan of study for the degree, either by resident course work, examination, or credit accepted from another institution, of the plan of study underlying the degree.
    • Ten Year Rule. Deans of the college which administers the student’s major can refuse to accept for graduation credit any course completed 10 or more years ago. Reentering students will be notified immediately of all such decisions upon reentering.
    • Substitution of Courses. Deans of the college which administers the student’s degree may authorize substitutions for courses for graduation.
  2. Residency Rule. Resident study at Purdue University Northwest for at least two semesters and the enrollment in and completion of at least 32 semester hours of coursework required and approved for the completion of the degree on Purdue University Northwest campuses. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level courses (course credits are defined as resident credits). Students must earn a minimum of 50 percent of coursework in their major concentration area in resident study with resident credit as defined above. A college/school/department/program may require more than 50 percent of resident credit to fulfill a major concentration for a given program. Students normally are expected to complete the senior year in residence; however, with the approval of the dean of the school college concerned, a student who has had four semesters of resident study may complete the last year or a portion of it at another college or university, provided that the number of semester hours of credit to be taken does not exceed 25 percent of the total hours required for the degree. The foregoing stipulations do not apply to students who earn credit elsewhere through a contract or arrangement entered into by the University or one of its academic units.
  3. Registration, either in residence or in absentia, as a candidate for the desired degree during the semester (or summer session) immediately preceding the completion of the degree
  4. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 shall be required for graduation.  A student who has completed all other requirements for an associate degree, but has failed to meet the quality requirements may register for additional courses with the approval of an authorized representative of the dean of his/her school after a review of his/her record.  The additional courses that the student may take after meeting all quantity requirements shall not exceed 10 credit hours.  Credit in these additional courses must be established within three years of the date on which all degree requirements except the minimum cumulative GPA were met.  The student will be considered as having met the quality requirements for graduation if his/her graduation index including the above extra courses, meet the quality standard in effect at the time when all other graduations requirements were satisfied. 
  5. Assessment The University expects its students to complete all assessment procedures related to General Education and/or major field as required.

For the Bachelor’s Degree

1. Completion of Program Requirements. The completion of the plan of study for the degree, either by resident course work, examination, or credit accepted from another institution, of the plan of study underlying degree.

Ten Year Rule. Deans of the college which administers the student’s major can refuse to accept for graduation credit any course completed 10 or more years ago. Re-entering students will be notified immediately of all such decisions upon reentering.

Substitution of Courses. Deans of the college which administers the student’s degree may authorize substitutions for courses for graduation.

2. Experiential Learning. Experiential learning is a graduation requirement.  This approach to teaching allows students to go beyond theory-based learning and explore ways to gain practical knowledge within their program of study. For students admitted Fall 2017 and beyond, Purdue University Northwest will require one experiential learning course for students graduating with a baccalaureate degree.  Your academic advisor will assist you in selecting an experience that is right for you. 

EXCEPTION: Transfer students with no more than two semesters of enrollment remaining and no more than 32 credit hours needed for degree completion are exempt from the experiential learning requirement (At the discretion of the Dean or Department Head)

3. Residency Rule. Resident study at Purdue University Northwest for at least two semesters and the enrollment in and completion of at least 32 credit hours required and approved for the completion of the degree on Purdue University Northwest campuses. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level courses.  Students must earn a minimum of 50 percent of coursework in their major concentration area in resident study with resident credit as defined above.  A college/school/department/program may require more than 50 percent of resident credit to fulfill a major concentration for a given program.  Students normally are expected to complete the senior year in residence; however, with the approval of the dean of the college concerned, a student who has had four semesters of resident study may complete the last year or a portion of it at another college or university, provided that the number of semester hours of credit to be taken does not exceed 25 percent of the total hours required for the degree.  The foregoing stipulations do not apply to students who earn credit elsewhere through a contract or arrangement entered into by the University or one of its academic units.

4. Registration, either in residence or in absentia, as a candidate for the desired degree during the semester (or summer session) immediately preceding the completion of the degree

5. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 shall be required for graduation.  A student who has completed all other requirements for a bachelor’s degree, but has failed to meet the quality requirements may register for additional courses with the approval of an authorized representative of the dean of his/her school after a review of his/her record.  The additional courses that the student may take after meeting all quantity requirements shall not exceed 20 credit hours.  Such a student may take in another approved college or university not more than 9 of the 20 credit hours permitted, provided such courses are approved in advance in writing by an authorized representative of the dean of his/her school. 

Copies of approvals must be filed in the Office of the Registrar. Credit in these additional courses must be established within five years of the date on which all degree requirements except the minimum cumulative GPA were met. The student will be considered as having met the quality requirements for graduation if his/her cumulative GPA, including the above extra courses, meets the quality standards in effect at the time when all other graduation requirements were satisfied.

6. Assessment: The University expects its students to complete all assessment procedures related to General Education and/or major field as required.


Colleges/schools may impose stricter requirements than those listed in this section, but they may not waive the following minimum standards. Provided these minimum standards are satisfied, adjustments to any degree requirement may be made by the unit establishing that requirement.

Baccalaureate Degree

To gain a baccalaureate degree from Purdue University Northwest, a student shall satisfy the following requirements:

  1. The completion, either by resident course work, as directed credit, or by credit accepted from another institution, of the plan of study underlying the degree. Deans of schools may refuse to accept as credit toward graduation any course that was completed 10 or more years previously. Former students shall be notified immediately of all such decisions upon reentering. Substitutions of courses required for graduation may be made by the dean of the school conferring the degree.
  2. Resident study at Purdue University Northwest for at least two semesters and the enrollment in and completion of at least 32 semester hours of coursework required and approved for the completion of the degree on Purdue University Northwest campuses. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level courses (course credits are defined as resident credits). Students must earn a minimum of 50 percent of coursework in their major concentration area in resident study with resident credit as defined above. A college/school/department/program may require more than 50 percent of resident credit to fulfill a major concentration for a given program. Students normally are expected to complete the senior year in residence; however, with the approval of the dean of the school college concerned, a student who has had four semesters of resident study may complete the last year or a portion of it at another college or university, provided that the number of semester hours of credit to be taken does not exceed 25 percent of the total hours required for the degree. The foregoing stipulations do not apply to students who earn credit elsewhere through a contract or arrangement entered into by the University or one of its academic units.
  3. Registration, either in residence or absentia, as a candidate for the desired degree during the semester (or summer session) immediately preceding its conferment.
  4. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 shall be required for graduation. A student who has completed all other requirements for a bachelor’s degree but has failed to meet the quality requirements may register for additional courses with the approval of an authorized representative of the dean of his/her school after a review of his/her record. The additional courses that the student may take after meeting all quantity requirements shall not exceed 20 credit hours. Such a student may take in another approved college or university not more than 9 of the 20 credit hours permitted, provided such courses are approved in advance in writing by an authorized representative of the dean of his/her school. A copy of such approval must be filed in the Office of the Registrar. Credit in these additional courses must be established within five years of the date on which all degree requirements except the minimum cumulative GPA were met. The student will be considered as having met the quality requirements for graduation if his/her cumulative GPA, including the above extra courses, meets the quality standards in effect at the time when all other graduation requirements were satisfied.

Double Majors and Double Degrees

A student who will be completing the requirements for two or more degree programs simultaneously may be eligible to be registered as a candidate for more than one degree according to the following criteria:

  • Double Major - If the degree programs are in the same college/school and lead to the same degree, only one degree shall be awarded.  The academic record shall reflect multiple fields of study, as appropriate.
  • Double Degree - If the degree programs are in different colleges/schools, two (or more) degrees may be awarded upon special request approved by the deans of the college or schools concerned and filed with the registrar at the beginning of the semester or session in which the degrees are to be awarded.  If the degree programs are in the same college/school and lead to different degrees, the appropriate degrees shall be awarded.


A diploma is a document listing the school awarding the degree, the type of degree being awarded, the campus awarding the degree, and the date the degree was conferred. An official transcript or a complete academic record of degree posting will include the type of degree; cooperative education or honors curriculum; any fields of study, minors, or specializations; campus where the degree was awarded; and the date the degree was conferred.

Graduation with Distinction

  • A candidate for the baccalaureate degree with distinction must have a minimum of 65 hours of credit earned at Purdue University included in the computation of the overall GPA.  A candidate for an associate degree with distinction must have a minimum of 35 hours of credit earned at Purdue University included in the computation of the overall GPA.
  • The minimum graduation index for graduation with distinction in each college shall be no less than the 90th percentile of the graduation indexes of the graduates in each college, for the spring semester, provided that the index is at least 3.30. The minimum overall GPA so determined in the spring for each college shall be applied for graduation with distinction for the subsequent summer session and fall semester. In administering this rule, all baccalaureate engineering graduates will be considered as one school.
  • Of those graduates who qualify for distinction under these rules for the spring semester, the three-tenths of the baccalaureate graduates having the highest overall GPA shall be designated as graduating with highest distinction, irrespective of the colleges from which they graduate. The three-tenths of the spring associate degree graduates having the highest graduation indexes will be designated as graduating with highest distinction. The minimum overall GPA so determined for graduation with highest distinction shall be applied for graduation with highest distinction for the subsequent summer session and fall semester.

Meeting Degree Requirements

Specific deadlines for the various requirements for graduate degrees are outlined on the Graduate School website and must be met as specified. All degree requirements for undergraduate and professional degrees are to be met as of the end of the academic session in which the degree is to be conferred. In the event that academic requirements for an undergraduate or professional degree have not been met as of the end of the session, the candidate’s school may grant an extension of time, not to exceed 30 calendar days following the end of the session, for these requirements to be completed in order for the degree to be conferred for that session. Academic requirements that have not been completed, as of the end of the 30-day period, shall disqualify the student from receiving the degree in the intended session and shall delay the conferring of the degree until the end of the next session in which the student is duly registered and all degree requirements have been completed.

Commencement Schedule

Purdue University Northwest conducts commencement ceremonies twice each year. The May commencement ceremony is for students who have completed all graduation requirements by the end of the Spring semester. The December commencement ceremony is for students who have completed all graduation requirements by the end of the Summer session and for students who will meet their requirements at the end of the Fall semester. For more information about the commencement schedule, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 219-989-2210.

Graduate on Time

Degree Maps and Free Course Guarantee

Purdue University Northwest provides 8 semester plans of study for every bachelor degree program. A plan of study (or degree map) is a recommended sequence of classes designed to show how a program can be completed within four years.

Visit 15 to Finish Indiana for information and resources regarding how to complete a Bachelor’s degree in four years: http://www.learnmoreindiana.org/college/succeeding-in-college/graduating-on-time/