The Computer Graphics Technology Bachelor of Science program is designed to prepare students for employment as graphics technologists. Students work in computer labs developing their graphics skills, techniques, concepts, and management ability through individual and team-based projects. The courses in the curriculum develop skills and knowledge critical to all areas of the computer graphics technology specialization. They embrace the teaching of the following core behaviors:
Visualizing, Sketching, Geometric Modeling, Problem Solving, Animating, Applying Technology, Graphic Designing, Computer Programming, Illustrating, User Interface and User Experience Designing, Mobile and Web Application Developing, and Appreciating Profession.
Many of our graduates pursue careers as web designers, user interface designers, animation and game developers, graphics technicians, mobile application designers, and web developers once they have finished their degrees.
The Computer Graphics Technology Bachelor of Science program is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering, This ensures that the program is independently reviewed and meets the quality expectation for that profession.